Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Damien Cifelli’s portraits of a fictional world

Posted: 14.08.2023 at 07:51 |

Cifelli’s work revolves around a fictional world called “Tarogramma,” drawn from his experiences traveling and living abroad. The paintings are a visual representation of the place and the people, like documentary images of a new world – claims Cifellli. More of his work here

HEADS by Edwige Massart and Xavier Wynn

Posted: 14.08.2023 at 07:40 |

Chicago-based artists Edwige Massart and Xavier Wynn are creating sliced sculptural skulls made out of found objects. The resulting works are playful and rich with texture and color as they explore the inner workings of the mind.


Posted: 16.08.2018 at 07:55 |

Kota Yamaji is a digital artist,designer,video director based in Tokyo, Japan. Japanese pop culture always inspire the characteristic of his works such as pleasant colors,surrealistic visuals and strange combination of motifs. More at

Architectural patterns

Posted: 03.04.2013 at 18:04 |

In his ‘Architecture of Density’ photo series, German photographer Michael Wolf explores the jaw-dropping urban landscapes of Hong Kong. First prize winner in the World Press Photo competition in 2005 and 2010, Michael moved from Germany to Hong Kong back in 1994 and spent 8 years working for Stern Magazine as a contracted photographer.

KUMI YAMASHITA – light & shadow sculptures

Posted: 08.06.2012 at 20:04 |

Stitched portraits by Evelin Kasikov

Posted: 29.05.2012 at 13:56 |

more superstitch art at


Aakash Nihalani

Posted: 29.05.2012 at 13:49 |

Aakash Nihalani installs street art throughout New York City. For more of Aakash’s work, check out

JR – josé parlá: Wrinkles of the city

Posted: 13.05.2012 at 10:36 |

A french creative JR has traveled to havana, cuba in order develop his latest installment of the series ‘the wrinkles of the city’. in this particular project, JR has collaborated with brooklyn-based artist josé parlá to conceive of and put in place this expansive public art project. This has been installed for the Havana’s 11th oncena bienal de la habana, cuba which takes place between may 11th and june 11th, 2012.

FEATHERED EDGE a new instalation by Ball Nogues studio

Posted: 13.05.2012 at 10:27 |

Feathered edge is a  site-specific project by the L.A. based design studio led by Benjamin Ball and Gaston Nogues. In this exhibition, over 33 kilometers of colored strings configured in curves span the gallery space to form a dynamic environment. Exhibition is taking place at  Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA)


Posted: 23.04.2012 at 19:35 |