Archive for the ‘photo’ Category


Posted: 03.09.2021 at 11:30 |

Mesmerising retro fantastic scenes from this californian photographer reminds us Wes Anderson’s movies. Todd Baxters official website

Riccardo Corda – Illustrations made for Pepsi House of Max Event

Posted: 06.08.2019 at 15:40 |

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Selfie by Flora Borsi

Posted: 14.06.2019 at 13:20 |

With who would you like to take a picture, if you could go back in time? (via)


Posted: 24.05.2019 at 14:18 |

Corey Moranis is a Canadian artist and designer specializing in lucite jewelry. She favours lucite because its capacity for colour and light effects are playful and mesmerizing. She explores light refraction travelling through a serie of gels. (more)

EATSPLORATION by Brandelicious / conceptual photography for Ovnew restaurant

Posted: 29.04.2019 at 09:27 |

Through the concept of chromatic eatsploration, this project explores a seven universe series of photography for Ovnew restaurant. A restaurant that explores food through an experiential sensory journey with a unique menu that crosses flavors from around different continents. The key words to follow to create this visual identity are Futurism, Primitive, Neurofood, Arabia, Asia, Amazonia & Europa. Each key word represents one of their food experiences in a conceptual direct personification.
The series encourages the spectator to sense a big bang of flavours through visual taste, human creation a aesthetic food concepts. (via)

‘Tomba Lobos’ Portrait Project by Jose Cardoso

Posted: 29.04.2019 at 08:06 |

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La vie en noir et blanc

Posted: 22.11.2018 at 09:54 |

DA: Nouvelle Administration | Set design: Catherine White, Camille Barrantes | Photos: LM Chabot | Production: L’Eloi | Hair + MUA: Janick Sabourin | Retouche: Victoria Lord

Maria Svarbova photography – In swimming pool

Posted: 24.07.2018 at 07:58 |

World known slovak photographer Maria Svarbova made a series of minimal pool photos. See more here

Tom Butler’s Self-Portrait

Posted: 19.06.2018 at 15:21 |

In this series of self-portraits, English photographer Tom Butler presents his body, holding elegant poses that show only the top of his bald head. (see more of Butlers work)

Broken heart by Paloma Rincón

Posted: 28.05.2018 at 07:51 |

Broken Heart. A series about fragility and a truncated love story using flowers in a symbolic way. Combining High Speed Photography with frozen flowers in liquid nitrogen.  Liquid Nitrogen evaporates at -200 ºC and when immersing the flowers on it they become fragile as glass. Paloma used laser sensors to coordinate the exact moment when the flowers hit the surface and exploded to have perfect synchronization with the camera. (via)